Bay Dental And Orthodontics can give you straight teeth without the use of clunky braces. From ‘tooth coloured’ braces to lingual braces to invisible clear plastic aligners. Depending on your bite, we can often straighten your teeth to give you a perfect smile, without people noticing you have braces!

Straight teeth will help keep your teeth, gums and jaws healthy and are also much easier to clean.

Braces for adults

Braces are no longer just for teenagers… today high-profile actors, singers and sports athletes wear braces to correct their bite, speech and smile.

Dr Fraser has pioneered the use of invisible inside braces in Australia, which help to;

  • improve the appearance of the teeth and face
  • move teeth prior to crown, bridgework or implant work
  • improve the health of the teeth and gums
  • improve function i.e. to make it easier to eat
  • improve your airway
  • improve your structural balance

Is it always possible to have braces as an adult?

This depends on the type of bite you have, the position of your teeth and the condition of both your teeth and gums. For instance if you have active gum disease, it is important this is brought under control before having a brace.

Perhaps your teeth have become more crowded with age or have started to drift following gum disease and braces could be the solution you need to get your stunning smile back. Essentially adults can be treated at any age as long as the gums and bone holding the teeth are healthy. We will look at and treat the cause to get better long term results.

Braces For Children

Don’t wait until your child has all of his or her permanent teeth before you see a dentist!

Did you know that all children should see a dentist at an early age? It is preferable to bring your child in for a check-up from birth for advise on feeding techniques that will encourage correct jaw structure and growth. Dr Cary Fraser will also be able to asses your childs airway and help prevent ENT problems, i.e. grommets, adenoids and tonsil problems.

Advantages of early treatment

By ages 4-7, enough jaw growth has occurred, that problems can be identified. Early consultation allows the dentist to determine the optimum time for treatment to begin.

Many parents and some family dentists assume that they must wait until a child has all of his or her permanent teeth, only to find out that treatment would have been much easier if started earlier!

First steps – how to choose the best braces for your needs and pocket.

Here at Bay Dental And Orthodontics we are not in a hurry to fit you with new braces. Investing in good quality braces is a serious decision and you must understand your options well in advance before making a commitment…

You will find that we really listen to you with careful attention before any clinical examinations take place, and you will be looked after as an individual in a caring, unhurried, relaxed atmosphere.

Only after you have communicated all information to us and we have answered all your questions will you then be carefully and gently examined. If the first problem is pain we will of course deal with this immediately.

Different Types Of Braces

At Bay Dental and Orthodontics we use different types of braces that we select for our patients specific aesthetic, functional and budgetary requirements.

Less visible braces

It is sometimes possible to have ‘tooth coloured’ braces on the upper front teeth. These are less visible at a distance, although some of the wires are still likely to be noticeable. Tooth coloured brackets are generally more expensive than metal brackets and are more difficult to remove at the end of treatment. They are not usually placed on lower teeth because they can lead to wear of the opposing upper teeth.

Contact us today at (02) 9363 3388 to request additional information or to make an appointment. Together, we will explore your options and help you get the confident smile you deserve that’s within your budget.